It has been a while since we sent a full update on things around Cranbourne Little Aths!
GCR Track and Field Carnivals – Happening This Weekend!
Please be aware that there won’t be a regular weekly competition this week as registrations are now closed. Good Luck to all our athletes participating in either the Junior Carnival or the U9+ Track and Field Carnival (State Championship Qualifiers) this weekend.
Expression of Interest – 2024/25 Committee
As our centre continues to expand, we are actively seeking individuals interested in joining our committee. If you’re keen on any roles, please refer to the nomination form below. For any inquiries, feel free to reach out to our centre secretary, Katrina, at
Updated Center Policies
Kindly note that several of our centre policies have been updated. Please access the link below to review the revised policies.
Track Update
For those who aren’t following us on social media, we’re excited to report that our track update is progressing smoothly! The blue layer is ready to be installed – an exciting development! While this work is ongoing, our competitions will continue to be held at Berwick on Saturday, Feb 17th, and Feb 24th.
Results/Centre Records
Just a friendly reminder, as mentioned in previous communications, that centre records are not applicable while we’re competing at Berwick. Our centre records only apply to Cranbourne events at Casey Fields. Any record-breaking achievements during this time will be recognized as Out Of Centre/Cranbourne Best Performances at the end of the season.
Meteorite Gift
Information regarding our 2024 Meteorite Gift Open Day was distributed last week! Entries are now open! For further details, please refer to the link provided below.
Presentation Day
Mark Your Calendar and Save the date for our Presentation Day, scheduled for Saturday, April 27th. More details to follow!
November already, and where has the year gone!! 8 Weeks completed of our busy season!
This season has certainly had a massive start with our high number of registered athletes and throw-in the Melbourne Weather – but we are finally getting back to a normal season.
To put this year into perspective, last year at the end of Cross Country we had 366 members registered and we are already up to 470 registered athletes for the 2022/23 season.
We want to thank everyone for their patience as this has certainly been a learning curve for the committee as we adjust to the large numbers.
With higher numbers certainly comes our need for extra helping hands around the place, so please make sure you are signing up for duty on the weekly sign-up sheets, these are posted in the weekly event via Facebook and TeamApp.
Furthermore, we are always looking for fresh faces on the committee. If you would like to join the committee please contact Katrina via email
Parent Helpers Requirements
As mentioned above, with our higher numbers we require more parent helpers each and every week. We do not want to get to the stage where we don’t have events or fundraising (canteen etc..) running due to the lack of helpers.
The link for parent helpers is put in the events each week on Social Media and TeamApp.
When you register, one of the waivers you agree to is that you agree to perform parent duties throughout the year. One thing we do at Cranbourne Little Athletics is have a parent points system – which effects your athlete’s end-of-season awards. More information on parent points can be found on the link below. A parent point update will be sent out in the next few weeks.
Coles Community Round
Thank you to all those that dressed up in red or Coles-themed outfits on the weekend! Once again, another great fun day to celebrate the ongoing partnership between Coles and Little Athletics Australia.
GCR Coles Track & Field Carnival – ALL AGES (Feb 18th-19th)
The entries for Region Track and Field for the U9+ athletes are now open!
All athletes in these age groups would have received an email from LAVic with further details on how and where to register.
Please remember this is a SATURDAY & SUNDAY event, and this year we are hosting it at Casey Fields.
If you have any questions please see one of the committee members, send us an email or a message via messenger and we will be able to assist.
Please remember this is the qualifying for the State Track and Field Championships.
For those in the U6-U8 age groups, the Gippsland Country Region is the only region that runs a mini U6-U8 carnival. This will run on the Saturday Morning of the Region T&F Carnival.
More information will be available soon about the Junior Carnival.
2022/23 Season Calendar
After a few clashes and changes, our Season Calendar is now 99% complete. So you can now lock away the dates in the calendar!
[table “7” not found /]Did you know you can sync the season calendar to your mobile phone/computer calendar?
Simply join us on TeamApp, click on events then the three dots up the top and subscribe.
State Combined Events Championships
On the 12th and 13th of November, we had 76 athletes sign up to compete at the 2022/23 State Combined Events Championship – the most of any centre in Victoria.
This was also our most successful Combined Events Championships with 5 medalists for the weekend. Delcan Maling and Gregory Roshi both winning gold medals. For those wondering, Declan and Gregory become only the 2nd and 3rd athletes to win GOLD at the Combined Events. The only other winner was Brad Jury, back in the 1994/95 Season.
Whilst the medals are great, what was even better was seeing all the smiles, all the fun, the PBs, the new friends, and the Cranbourne Spirit.
Uniform Requirements
Would you turn up to your weekly footy or netball game and be allowed to play in Tracksuit pants or wear a different colour shirt?
Would you turn up to your soccer or basketball game and be allowed to play in your hoody or wear logos of another team?
Little Athletics is no different – The FULL Centre uniform must be worn when competing at all Centre Programs, Open Days, Region, and State Championships.
Your Commonwealth Bank Name Patch pinned on and the sewn-on Coles Patch all form part of your uniform.
The uniform can be purchased from our uniform shop on a Saturday morning or via our online store
There are only 3 reasons not to be in the correct uniform:
1. You are a trial athlete.
2. We have run out of your size – we currently awaiting a delivery of stock, which will arrive in 2-4 weeks,
3. We have a special dress-up-themed week (Pinkletics, Coles Community Day etc..).
If you forget your name tag, you can get a temporary tag from the Clubrooms or if you have misplaced it you can purchase a new one for $5.
If you are not in the correct uniform, your results may not be recorded!
Weekly Results – ResultsHQ
We will try to have all results entered and uploaded into ResultsHQ by the end of the weekend, sometimes this may take a little longer due to our volunteers having other commitments.
– Only registered and paid members will have their results uploaded.
– If you notice results are missing or appear incorrect you need to contact us directly, not Little Athletics Victoria.
To log in:
1. Go to
2. Enter your Username and Password.
If you do not know these or have forgotten, please follow the steps below:
– Click on Forgot My Password
– Enter the email address you registered with as your username
– Press Submit.
– You will receive an email with the login details.
For a video demonstration of ResultsHQ, please view the YouTube video below:
Lost Property
Our Lost Property collection is growing at a rapid rate.
Please remember to label all clothing and drink bottles so we can try and return them to athletes.
Once items have been in Lost Property for 4-6 weeks the items will be donated to a local charity
Social Media
Make sure you have liked us on Facebook and followed our Instagram for further updates, pictures, etc… Last Season we won the LAVic Marketing Award for our Social Media presence so be sure to jump on and like our page.
Our weekly photos will again be uploaded straight to our Facebook page! We will aim to have them up within 2-3 Days of the Saturday Competition.
For up-to-date information please join our member groups below
Facebook Members Group:
Team App:
We would once again to thank all our partners for the 2022/23 season.
If you own a local business and would like to partner with Cranbourne Little Athletics Centre, please get in touch with us now.
What a start to the year we are having!
Our registration numbers have already exceeded those of 2021/22 and we are on target for Cranbourne’s biggest year yet.
The committee would to thank all our members for their patience through this time as we were all readjusting to the new season.
As of this coming Saturday, we will be reverting to a 5 event program for the athletes. Some weeks we still only be 4 events for when we are hosting a special event or if there is another booking at Casey Field. Our programming team, along with the rest of the committee will be monitoring this on a week-by-week basis to try and find the most effective ways to run each and every competition.
With our numbers growing we are always looking for more volunteers and committee members. If you would like to join the committee please have a chat with Holger, Dean, or Katrina for more information.
Special thank you to all our members and families who supported our annual Pinkletics fundraiser.
As a centre we managed to raise $1554 with all proceeds going towards Young Pink Sisters Charity
This money will go towards helping with the cost of treatment for local breast cancer fighters.
Uniform Requirements
Would you turn up to your weekly footy or netball game and be allowed to play in Tracksuit pants?
Would you turn up to your soccer or basketball game and be allowed to play in your hoody?
Little Athletics is no different – The Centre uniform must be worn when competing at all Centre Programs, Open Days, Region, and State Championships.
Your Commonwealth Bank Name Patch and the sewn-on Coles Patch all form part of your uniform.
The uniform can be purchased from our uniform shop on a Saturday morning or via our online store
There are only 3 reasons not to be in the correct uniform:
1. You are a trial athlete.
2. We have run out of your size – we currently awaiting a delivery of stock, which will arrive in 2-4 weeks,
3. We have a special dress-up-themed week (Pinkletics, Coles Community Day etc..).
We know that our little athletes love to wear their state shirts and training shirts however, these are not part of our centre uniform.
If you forget your name tag, you can get a temporary tag from the Clubrooms or if you have misplaced it you can purchase a new one for $5.
From this week Saturday, if you are not in the correct uniform, your results will not be recorded!
Weekly Results – ResultsHQ
We will try to have all results entered and uploaded into ResultsHQ by the end of the weekend, sometimes this may take a little longer due to our volunteers having other commitments.
– Only registered and paid members will have their results uploaded.
– If you notice results are missing or appear incorrect you need to contact us directly, not Little Athletics Victoria.
To log in:
1. Go to
2. Enter your Username and Password.
If you do not know these or have forgotten, please follow the steps below:
– Click on Forgot My Password
– Enter the email address you registered with as your username
– Press Submit.
– You will receive an email with the login details.
For a video demonstration of ResultsHQ, please view the YouTube video below:
Relay Carnivals and Open Days
We are now taking an expression of interest for the upcoming relay carnivals.
Please note athletes MUST be available on both Saturday 3rd December 2022 and Saturday 4th February 2023 to be included in a relay team.
Expression of interest will close at 11.59 pm on Monday 24th October 2022 (TOMORROW).
All athletes that have signed up for the expression of interest will be sent further details Tuesday night. This will include the full training schedule and a portal to sign up and make payment for the event.
022/23 LAVic State Combined Events Championships (U9+)
Entries for the first state event for the 2022/23 LAVIC State Combined Events Championships are due to close on Wednesday. Most age groups have already reached capacity.
For event details and to Register click here:
All Cranbourne registered athletes will be sent an email with further details and FAQ’s once the registrations close.
Lost Property
We are only 4 weeks into the season and our Lost Property collection is growing at a rapid rate.
Please remember to label all clothing and drink bottles so we can try and return them to athletes.
Once items have been in Lost Property for 4-6 weeks the items will be donated to to a local charity
Social Media
Make sure you have liked us on Facebook and followed our Instagram for further updates, pictures, etc… Last Season we won the LAVic Marketing Award for our Social Media presence so be sure to jump on and like our page.
Our weekly photos will again be uploaded straight to our Facebook page! We will aim to have them up within 2-3 Days of the Saturday Competition.
For up-to-date information please join our member groups below
Facebook Members Group:
Team App:
We would once again to thank all our partners for the 2022/23 season.
If you own a local business and would like to partner with Cranbourne Little Athletics Centre, please get in touch with us now.
After two years of postponed season starts, we are back to our regular October start – THIS SATURDAY 1st OCTOBER from 8 am!
Our registration numbers and number of trial athletes this year are looking fantastic and we cannot wait to welcome back our re-newing athletes and welcome all new athletes into our Cranbourne Family.
Please remember that if you are a returning athlete, you must have renewed your registration to take part in the 2022/23 Season.
For those that are new to CLAC, our Chronicle is an online newsletter that we will send out every 3-4 weeks with all the updates you need for the next few weeks. Being the first one for the new season, this one is a lot bigger than usual.
2022/23 Registration Patches
Please remember that you will need a new patch for the 2022/23 Season. Last year’s patches will no longer work.
To help get these out quicker, they will be available for pick up at the track this Tuesday and Thursday from 5.30 pm-6.30 pm
Parent Duty Sign Up
Typically, to conduct a Track and Field competition on a weekly basis, CLAC requires between 60-70 parents in a volunteer role.
Throughout the year we do require each family to participate in some type of parent duties, but don’t stress it’s nothing painful or stressful. It gives you the opportunity to be out on the track/in the field assisting the athletes and there is nothing better than the smile on an athlete’s face.
Everyone at Cranbourne Little Athletics is a volunteer to help make our centre run – from the president to the equipment manager, from the head coach to the starter, from the secretary to the announcer.
New and Trial Athletes
We again have a large number of new and trial athletes for this weekend!
When you arrive on Saturday don’t be afraid to ask anyone for help! Our committee members, and even some other parents, will be more than happy to assist you with any questions you have!
Season 22/23 Calendar of Events and Programming.
[table “7” not found /]This year our Programming Team has worked with an Exercise Physiologist on getting the right events together for each program so athletes aren’t getting “burnt out”.
We are starting off the year with two make-up programs, with 4 events for every age group. The weekly program has been posted on our Facebook Page Event and in TeamApp
Please note: The calendar and weekly programs are subject to change, we will send emails to all members of any calendar/program changes.
Season Handbook
This year we are bringing back our hard copy season handbook. Unfortunately due to some logistics issues, they won’t be available till about weeks 3-4 and will be distributed 1 per family.

Did you know that you can pre-purchase your uniform online?
Click here for the Cranbourne Little Athletics Online Store
Unfortunately, our stock levels are a bit low at the moment, due to a shipping delay, we believe they should be in by week 2, Saturday 8th October. Due to this our uniform shop will not be open this week at training, but it will be open on Saturday.
With the delayed stock, we do not expect athletes to be in full uniform for the first couple of weeks, however, once our stock has arrived we still start issuing warnings to athletes out of full uniform.
Please still try and wear royal blue shorts or a white/royal blue tee if you are awaiting for stock/sizes to arrive.
Training This Year
Starting this week training is back.
For the 2022/23 season, our volunteer coaches will be taking training over three nights. Training is completely optional but it certainly does help your children improve at little athletics.
The desire of each athlete to do the best consists of their willingness to learn whilst having fun and improving fundamental skills in all facets of track and field, whether that be walking, running, jumping, or throwing.
Training Nights – 5.30 pm Start
Tuesday: All Ages Fitness Training
Wednesday: U6-U9 Event Specific Training
Thursday: U10+ Event Specific Training
Multi-Class Athletes are welcome to come down on any of the three nights.
A parent or guardian MUST be present during the entire training session if your child attends.
This is non-negotiable unless extenuating circumstances exist, in which case coaches must be notified. Parents may be required to assist coaches during training sessions. Involving yourself by assisting is encouraged and depending on athlete numbers may be essential to ensure training is run.
Special Event Training (State Events and Relays) will be announced throughout the season
2022/23 LAVic State Combined Events Championships (U9+)
Entries for the first state event for the 2022/23 season are open with the LAVIC State Combined Events Championships taking place in early November.
For event details and to Register click here:
Social Media
Make sure you have liked us on Facebook and followed our Instagram for further updates, pictures, etc… Last Season we won the LAVic Marketing Award for our Social Media presence so be sure to jump on and like our page.
Our weekly photos will again be uploaded straight to our Facebook page! We will aim to have them up within 2-3 Days of the Saturday Competition.
For up-to-date information please join our member groups below
Facebook Members Group:
Team App:
We would once again to thank all our partners for the 2022/23 season.
If you own a local business and would like to partner with Cranbourne Little Athletics Centre, please get in touch with us now.
Congratulations and Good Luck to all the athletes who will represent Cranbourne at this weekend’s State Cross Country Championships.
Many brothers, sisters, cousins and friends among this group, but whilst we are at state events, wearing the White, Blue and Gold, We Are One Centre, We Are One Family – let’s all support one another this week and keep that Cranbourne Spirit High!!
U11 Girls Symone Adelaja || U9 Boys Riley Ash || U10 Boys Michael Bocor || U11 Girls Summer Bocor || U16 Girls Teeghan Bridle || U15 Girls Rucha Chopade || U9 Boys Rugved Chopade || U11-12 MC Boys Lucas Crowley || U14 Girls Shae Culpin || U12 Boys Stefan Gunasekara || U12 Boys Declan Maling || U12 Girls Heidi Meier || U16 Boys James Meier || U9 Girls Erlyn Singh || U9 Boys Tansahib Singh || U12 Girls Samreen Sran || U11 Girls Lani Warwick || U14 Girls Shayla Warwick || U10 Boys Anshdeep Aulakh || U10 Girls Ashley Bosnich || U10 Girls Addison Frenken || U10 Girls Billie Greyling || U10 Boys Shevon Gunasekara || U11 Boys Issaiah Hall || U10 Girls Gurarmandeep Kaur || U10 Boys Lucas Kohl || U11 Boys Java Lauterboom || U10 Boys Thomas Lupiyanto || U11 Boys Agam Padda || U11 Boys Arnav Padda || U10 Boys Alexander Philipp || U11 Boys Domenik Philipp || U11 Boys Thomas Philipp || U10 Girls Vrinda Sharma || U10 Boys Brodie Trounson || U10 Girls Madelyn Tucker
Duty Roster
Similar to all events, all parents are required to undertake a parent duty – you all ticked a box when registering to agree to complete parent duties.
All duties MUST be conducted by someone who is 18 years or older.
Please check the roster below – if any issues, PLEASE LET US KNOW ASAP!
If you fail to do your duties your parent duties – there will be consequences for the upcoming Track & Field Season (Loss of Parent Points, Extra Duties at Region Track & Field or Championship Day)
Check-In Assistant (Assist at the Check In area)
9am – Shae CULPIN – u14G
10am – Tansahib SINGH – u9B
11am – Agam PADDA – u11B
12pm – Stefan GUNASEKARA – u12b
1pm – Vrinda SHARMA – u10g
2pm – Lucas KOHL – u10b
3pm – Alexander PHILIPP – u10b
General Offical (Check in at Officials area leave number and will be called if jobs come up)
9am – James Meier – u16B
11am – Madelyn TUCKER – u10G
1pm – Erlyn SINGH – u9G
Team Managers/Coaches/Cranbourne Officials
9am – 4pm Thomas PHILIPP, Summer BOCOR, Billie GREYLING, Addison FRENKEN
Training Thursday
Training this week will be like normal – Thursday night from 5pm meeting at the Casey Fields track.
Please ensure all Athletes have full Cranbourne uniform
This includes
– Cranbourne Competition Shirt
– Black, white or royal blue undershirt allowed – NO Logos
– Royal Blue Shorts with NO Pockets or Non approved logos.
– Coles patch SEWN on, above the LAVic logo on the athlete’s shirt.
– 2022 Commonwealth Bank Name Patch.
PLAIN Black Leggings or Black Bike Shorts are allowed for Cross Country Events (no patterns or logos)
Where to go?
Location: Lake Dewar Lodge, 339 Garrands Road, Myrniong (Google Maps)
We will share online on the day where we will be set up.
Please note that it is about a 90-minute drive from Cranbourne.
Further Information
LAVic will send out further information including course maps etc throughout the week.
If anyone needs any additional information please contact our Cross Country Team Manager Bron Philipp on 0402 980 932.
See you Saturday morning!
Welcome to the latest edition of Cranbourne Little Athletics Centres online newsletter – The CLAC Chronicle.
Cross Country
Cross Country Season is in full swing, with some of our highest ever numbers competiting this year, even with the poor weather we have been having.
Just a reminder that all athletes that competed in the 2021/22 Summer Season, you are eligible to join in for the 2022 Cross Country Season at any time.
Training continues to run every Thursday at Casey Fields 5 pm-6 pm. Just a reminder that a parent\guardian MUST be in attendance at all times – whether this is training or Comp Days.
Cross Country Relays
After 2 years of not being able to run Cross Country Relays, due to COVID 19, on Saturday 4th June we had over 21 Teams representing Cranbourne and 5 athletes running in Gippsland Country Teams. I think all athletes had a fantastic day out at Cruden Farm, no matter the results, the Cranbourne Spirit was once again as high as ever with everyone supporting each other.
We walked away with 3 podiums for the day
Winners: GCR U16 Boys (feat James Meier)
GCR U13-U16 Multi Class (feat Tegan James & Lucas Crowley)
3rd Place: U14 Girls (Shayla Warwick, Jess Monduc & Shea Culpin)
Open Days
Again the Cranbourne team spirit has been high at Open Days this year. We had a lot of athletes compete at the Seaford Open Day, on 28th May, bringing home PLENTY of medals. This weekend we have a lot of athletes running at Knox Open Day – Good Luck to all athletes.
Please note the normal Berwick program will still be running this Saturday.
Cross Country Region Carnival
The 2022 Cross Country Region carnival will take place at Edwin Flack Reserve on Saturday 16th July. Registrations are now open – if you need a hand with registrations, please let us know via email or on Facebook.
We have had a few questions about how athletes can progress through to the State Champions – simply put, All athletes that compete and complete the relevant event at the Region Cross Country Carnival, are eligible to compete at the State Cross-Country Championships
The state championships will be held at Lake Dewar on Saturday 6th August.
2022/23 Summer Season
With the likely hood of no lockdowns/restrictions coming, the 2022/23 Summer Season is looking at a traditional early October start date.
All final dates including Region, State, Relays and Combined events should be available after the annual LAVic Conference – which will in take place in the next 6-8 weeks.
Presentation Night
On Saturday 14th May, we held our 2022 Presentation Night at Gravity Zone. Everyone in attendance had a fantastic night, and I am sure kids should’ve slept well after bouncing all night.
2021/22 Cranbourne Little Athletics Award Winners
For those that couldn’t make it, don’t stress, all awards will be able to be picked up once we start getting back onto the track.
Annual General Meeting
On Saturday 30th April, we held our annual general meeting via Zoom.
Thank you to all those that attended for those that couldn’t make it you can view the minutes below: Cranbourne LAC AGM Minutes
2022/23 Committee
At the AGM our new committee was elected with a few new faces – especially on the Executive Committee.
Head Coach – Adam B
Adam has been around at the centre now for numerous years. Adam last year took on the starting on the back straight as well as being an assistant coach. Adam last year took specialists training sessions for the State Combined Events as well as warming athletes up for State Events. Adam comes in with a wealth of knowledge and experience as an athlete and I’m sure we all, parents and children, can learn something from Adam.
Registrar – Bronwyn P
Bron has taken on the role as Head Registrar this year. She has been an assistant to Ross over the past few years, so she has learnt from the best and now possesses all the knowledge when it comes to registrations. Bron is also our current Cross-Country Team Manager, so if you have competed in Cross Country you would’ve already met Bron. Bron and her team cannot wait to help you once our summer season starts.
Secretary – Katrina B
Katrina has been around the centre for numerous years now and always had her hand up to get involved. Katrina comes to us with great knowledge of administration and is looking forward to assisting everyone.
Sponsorship & Grants – David Kohl
David has only been at Cranbourne LAC now for two years, but each and every week he is wanting to learn something new. Last year Dave jumped on as an assistant coach, teaching children events he excelled at as an athlete, and this year has decided to take on the role as Sponsorship and Grant Manager. Dave has a wealth of experience through his working life dealing with Sponsors and Government Grants. Dave looks forward to meeting all you local business owners, to get on board as a sponsor.
Click here to see the full committee
You will see a few roles that need to be filled, if you would like to put your hand up to assist, or even just want to know what’s involved please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Please contact Dave if you would like to sponsor Cranbourne Little Athletics Centre.
We are looking at adding more and more value for sponsors this year, so don’t hesitate to contact Dave for all details.
Tax Time Fast Approaching
Tax Time is just around the corner and Lance Cowan Accounting have you covered.
Whether you are an individual or a small business, Lance and Scott, can assist you in getting the best result for Tax Time.
Head to their website and make an appointment to see how they can help you!

Get Social
Don’t forget to join all our social media channels for up-to-date information
Facebook Members Group – an open forum for members
Facebook Page – all official CranbourneLAC news
LAVic Facebook Page – All Little Athletics Victoria News
TeamApp – Up-to-date news and information, with push notifications.
Special thanks to all our sponsors for their support throughout the past 12 months. Always remember to check our sponsors first before going elsewhere, and to mention Cranbourne Little Athletics
Where: Gravity Zone, 25 Oliphant Way, Seaford
When: Saturday 14th May 2022 from 7 pm. We ask ALL athletes & families to arrive around 7 pm so we can start Presentations ASAP.
We have full access to the centre from 7 pm – 10 pm.
This includes :
– Laser Tag and Trampolines. (till 9.30pm)
– Limited Pizza and Nibbles Provided
– BYO Drinks (No Alcohol)
– Gravity Zone Cafe will be open to purchase foods and drinks
Presentations will be held in blocks of age groups, so listen out on the loudspeaker for when your child’s group will be presented their awards in the party room downstairs.
There are lots of awards to be given out throughout the night
- Centre Champions (Boy & Girl)
The Centre Champion Awards are given to the most outstanding girl and boy athlete who gains the highest average individual point score for the Track and Field competition season across all age groups - The “Lyn Abaloz Memorial’ Shield.
The shield will be bestowed upon one girl and one boy athlete each year based on the following criteria: General behaviour, attendance at Training and Centre competitions, self-improvement throughout the season, good sportsmanship and highest personal best performance over the season. - Coach’s Perpetual Shield
Awarded each year to one male and one female athlete, who is judged by the Head Coach for general behaviour and sportsmanship, at training and Centre competition days. - President’s Award
This award is given to a member of the club determined by the President as someone who has made a significant, long-term, and often unheralded behind-the-scenes contribution as a volunteer helper. - Volunteer of the Year Award.
This award is voted on by the Committee to recognize one of our Centre family members who have gone ‘above and beyond in volunteering their time and services for the benefit of the club throughout the season. - CLAC Family Award.
This award is given to a family who has shown great support and participation in the club throughout the season to make a strong contribution to the success of our program and the centre overall. - Most Improved Athlete.
Awards for Junior (U6 to U8), Intermediate (U9 to U12), Senior’s (U13 to U16) and Multi-Class age groups will be determined by the number of Personal Best performances recorded over the season. - Age Group Champions.
The Age-Group Champion and Runner-Up Awards are determined by having the most total points determined by the average results per event across a season. - Participation Trophies.
All athletes are eligible for a Participation trophy provided that they compete in at least 50% of the available events to them from their date of registration.
Annual General Meeting – Saturday, April 30th at 11 am
Our 2021/22 Annual General Meeting will be held over zoom on Saturday, April 30th at 11 am.
Meeting ID: 882 5661 2556
Passcode: 822001
Items for Annual General Meeting
– Minutes from Previous AGM
– 2022 Annual General Meeting Agenda
– Financial Report
Presentation Night – Saturday, May 14th.
We are changing up our Presentation Day a bit this year and making it more FUN for the athletes!
Presentation Night held at Gravity Zone, Seaford.
Food nibbles provided.
Please bring a labelled water bottle for your children.
Free entry to all families.
Presentations held in party room from 7.15pm
Play area for babies and children up to 5 years.
General admission and access to the whole centre for jump zones and laser tag for all children 6 years and up
Cross Country Season Has Started
Did you know that by registering for our summer season, your fees also include the Winter Cross Country Season??
Cross Country (XC) is our Winter Athletics season. We run and race on all types of tracks … through puddles, mud, and open grass and in all weather conditions.
This year’s Cross Country season will be taking place at Edwin Flack Reserve in Berwick, alongside some of our other GCR centres.
The Cross Country days are over very quickly! We start at 9 am and the day is over before 10 am!
Start times will vary from age group to age group so make sure to check our weekly Facebook event to see the start times!
Distances ran (Age at 31 December 2021)
- Under 6 500m
- Under 7-8 1000m
- Under 9-10 1500m
- Under 11-12 2000m
- Under 13-16 3000m
Season Calendar
[table “21” not found /]**Please note due to insurance and LAVic Guidelines parents may not run with athletes in Cross Country, all runners MUST be registered (or a registered trial) before competing**
Cross Country Training
Cross Country Training runs every Thursday from 5pm at Casey Fields!
Come down for a run and a bit of fun!
Cross Country State Relays Championships
Cross country Relays will take place June 4th for athletes in the u9-16 age groups. This is a state event held at Cruden Farm in Langwarrin. In the next few weeks, we will open up registrations for Cross Country Relays!
The State Cross-Country Relay Championships is a Teams event, where 3 athletes complete a Relay over a Cross-Country course. The distances are less than the individual Cross-Country distances to allow greater flexibility and formation of Teams. Athletes do not carry a baton, they start and finish within a transition zone.
U9 & U10: 3 x 1km
U11 & U12: 3 x 1.5km
U13, U14, U15 & U16: 3 x 2km (2 laps of 1km)
Stawell Gift
Every year Little Athletics Victoria holds events at the Stawell Gift. This year Little Athletes could enter 100m, 400m, 800m and 1600m.
We had one athlete go up and enter all 4 events.
Congratulations to Declan Maling, who was one of the only athletes to run in all the events, and also make the final in each event!

Special thanks to all our sponsors for their support throughout the past 12 months. Always remember to check our sponsors first before going elsewhere, and to mention Cranbourne Little Athletics
Annual General Meeting – Saturday, April 30th 11 am
Our 2021/22 Annual General Meeting will be held over zoom on Saturday, April 30th at 11 am.
Zoom Link will be sent out via email and social media in the week leading up.
We are still seeking some new members to join our committee for next season.
Click here for a rough idea of what is required for each committee role
To apply for a committee position or for further information, please contact our centre Secretary Jo
Presentation Day – Saturday, May 14th.
We are changing up our Presentation Day a bit this year and making it more FUN for the athletes!
More Details to follow in the coming weeks – but save the date!
Cross Country Starting Saturday 23rd April
Did you know that by registering for our summer season, your fees also include the Winter Cross Country Season??
Cross Country (XC) is our Winter Athletics season. We run and race on all types of tracks … through puddles, mud, and open grass and in all weather conditions.
This year’s Cross Country season will be taking place at Edwin Flack Reserve in Berwick, alongside some of our other GCR centres.
The Cross Country days are over very quickly! We start at 9 am and the day is over before 10 am!
Start times will vary from age group to age group so make sure to check our weekly Facebook event to see the start times!
Distances ran (Age at 31 December 2021)
- Under 6 500m
- Under 7-8 1000m
- Under 9-10 1500m
- Under 11-12 2000m
- Under 13-16 3000m
Season Calendar
[table “21” not found /]**Please note due to insurance and LAVic Guidelines parents may not run with athletes in Cross Country, all runners MUST be registered (or a registered trial) before competing**
Cross Country Training
Cross Country Training will begin on Thursday, April 21st from 5 pm.
This will continue for the whole cross country season and is open for all ages.
Cross Country Uniform
Cross Country is the same as our normal summer season, and athletes MUST be in full uniform including wearing your Commonwealth Bank name tag and Coles patch!
Our Uniform Shop will be open on Tuesday, April 12th from 5.30 pm-6.30 pm. We will have all supporter wear and athlete uniforms.
You can pre-purchase some items online before you arrive.
Special thanks to all our sponsors for their support throughout the past 12 months. Always remember to check our sponsors first before going elsewhere, and to mention Cranbourne Little Athletics
State Championships Review
Whilst we celebrate medals, we are proud of all 68 athletes that qualified for the state championships this weekend. You have qualified in the top 24 athletes in the state – that itself is something to be proud of!
Every single athlete got out there and tried their best, that’s all we can ask for. A lot of PBs, A lot of smiles and best of all lots of cheering. Whilst some kids may be disappointed with their performances, our centre is proud of the way you all conducted yourself this weekend!
Nearly every event had another athlete cheering them on and wishing them good luck. The younger siblings that get dragged along were all on their best behaviour and got involved in the cheering.
Special Thanks to
– Adam and Dean for being there all weekend warming up our athletes
– Kelly and the coaching team for getting the kids ready in the lead-up
– Parents that did their duties, and especially the parents that covered for those that avoid doing their part
Ribbons for the Top 8 as well as performance cards will be handed out over the next few weeks and at Presentation Day.
Please note: as the email that was sent out earlier tonight, there has been a positive COVID case in the Cranbourne Team. If you are showing symptoms please get tested.
Paul Freestone & Andrew Pryn
State Team Managers
Notice of Annual General Meeting & Presentation Day – SAVE THE DATE!
Cranbourne Little Athletics Centre Inc. will be holding its Annual General Meeting and Presentation Day on Saturday 30th of April from 11 am.
Further details will be made available in the coming weeks. We are looking at making this a more fun event with no COVID restrictions.
This Weeks Events

This week’s event has been uploaded to Facebook & TeamApp including 8am Starts!
This week the U8 Boys, U11 Boys and the U13-16s will start at 8am!
All other age groups will start at 8.30 am as per usual.
Training this Thursday

Training this Thursday will be our final official training for the 2021/22 Summer Season. All age groups are welcome!
We plan on doing some proper training for about half-hour before getting all age groups together to play some games and have some fun to finish off the season.
We would like to thank all our volunteer coaches for their hard work throughout this season.
2022/23 Committee Members

We are seeking some new members to join our committee for next season.
While all positions are declared open, we still require people to nominate for the following positions
– Registrar (executive position)
– Sponsorship & Grants (executive position)
– Boys & Girls Team Managers
– Records & Results Team
– Assistant Coaches
– Special Events/Fundraising Team
– Cross Country Assistants
– Photographers
Click here for a rough idea of what is required for each committee role
To apply for a committee position or for further information, please contact our centre Secretary Jo
Cross Country Season
With our Summer Season coming to an end, we wanted to remind everyone that your yearly fees also include the Cross Country Season!
Cross Country (XC) is our Winter Athletics season. We run and race on all types of tracks … through puddles, bush trails, mud, and open grass and in all weather conditions. Our cross country season is run by our region, GCR, and is held at numerous spots all over Casey.
We encourage all abilities and reward PBs (personal bests). It’s not just how fast you run, it’s how much you can improve.
More information will be available as we get closer to the Cross Country Season.
Melbourne Track Classic
The Melbourne Track Classic’s coming to Lakeside Stadium on Saturday 19th of March. See some of Australia’s best athletes on show as they compete to earn world ranking points and meet the standards for Commonwealth Games and World Championships selection.
Little Athletics families get a 10% discount on gate entry tickets!
Book online at with coupon code: LITTLEATHS22.
If you are going to attend we would love to see some kids and adults wearing Cranbourne Supporter Wear!
Gate Operators
We are on the search for some gate operators to assist us with some of the School Bookings. This is a midweek position and is a PAID job for the parents that would like to assist.
If you would like to assist or would like more information please contact the centre via
Medal Engraving
Our medal engraver has been serviced and is now in full working order!
If you have any medals you would like engraved please bring them along on Saturday. We ask that each individual medal is in a Ziplock bag with a piece of paper inside what you what written in it for example
“Sally McLennan
100m Hurdles
2022 CLAC PB Day”
The cost is $2 per medal and is payable by EFTPOS.
Sponsorship & Fundraising Information
Special thanks to Sponsor Muscle Medics who came down to training last night and was giving some of our athletes, and coaches, a massage!
We are still chasing some new sponsors, if anyone who owns a local business would like to sponsor our centre next season, please get in contact with Chloe via email
We already have some great businesses jump on board!
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