Dear Members,
The Annual General meeting (AGM) is an important event for our club. It gives members and the committee a broad overview of the organization’s current directions, financial health and confirms our purpose. It is also a great time to revitalize through the official engagement of members, new and current into key elected positions
The traditional format of AGM’s often involves a number of members meeting in a physical location and voting on a show of hands. This location was our club room’s, however, our clubrooms are being utilized at present and a capacity limit in place.
To that end, we have decided to hold a hybrid AGM and Presentation to be held at 11:00am, 1st of May 2021 over Zoom. The hybrid part is that we will be broadcasting from the clubrooms and presenting the major trophies throughout the AGM.
All other awards will be presented after the AGM, by age group out on the track as we have done previously. Athletes will be advised of when their presentations times are and will be invited to arrive with their fellow team mates to be presented their trophies and awards in persons. We will have a jumping castle for those waiting for their trophies and/or medals.
This therefore allows all members to attend and participate in this meeting from their homes and or at the track where required. The business to be transacted at a virtual meeting will be the same business that is transacted at a traditional AGM just in a virtual format.
Zoom details to be provided in due course.
Essentially, standard AGM rules however still apply. If the requisite number of members fail to attend a meeting, there will be no quorum so no business can be transacted.
The AGM can still be a positive experience for all of us we all go away firmly committed to the club and our goals.
Cranbourne Little Athletics Centre