2022 Personal Best & Championship Day Information

Our annual Personal Best & Championship Day is here this Saturday!

Please Note: If athletes haven’t pre-registered for this event, they are illegible to compete this weekend!!

Parent Duty

Parent Duty for this event is completely different from a normal week! Parent duty is broken up by events and time blocks.
This week it is highly important that we fill ALL spots. If we cannot get enough helpers at an event or at the finish line etc, it will result in the day going a lot longer!

Presentation slips are to be completed and sent to the presentation area and the results sheets are to be placed in results entry basket inside the timekeeper’s room. Make sure age groups compete together eg don’t do 12 B then 12 G. But places awarded per age group.

If we don’t get enough helpers events WILL be cancelled!

If an event is a mixed age group and you have signed up, you must assist for the FULL-time block, not just one age group.

Parents are more than welcome to sign up for multiple time blocks, as long as they do not clash!

When registering you agreed to do a duty! Failure to do duty will result in your child being illegible for medals/trophies and possible scratchings from further events – including events for the 2022/23 season.

No Age group team Managers on the day and trolleys will be staying at the events please leave the folders in the trolleys.


Marshalling Area

Children will be called to the marshalling area, marquees near the 100m start, and MUST have their names ticked off before going to an event.

Entering the Arena and Arena Rules

NO PARENT OR ATHLETE will be allowed to enter the arena without going through marshalling or being at an event for duty.

NO PARENT/SIBLING/ATHLETE is to run along side an athlete

NO PARENT is to be cheering on the inside of the track, this will result in children being disqualified – this is actually an official Little Athletics Australia Rule.

Presentation Area

For this special week medals and ribbons are given out for all events. We do require some helpers for this area throughout the day – you can sign up using the parent duty sign up.

Program of Events


The first event is from 8 am!!

Please remember this program has taken numerous hours to prepare and is set up this way to have minimal event clashes.

If your child does have event clashes, the marshalling assistant will be able to assist with this when marshalling – they will not miss an event.

If an area is free, you CANNOT just jump in and do your event – if this happens the event will be scratched from the program.

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